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Border Collie Rescue - On Line - Creating a Tribute to a loved one

How to create a Tribute in honour of a loved one

On many occasions people have put us forward to receive donations at a funeral in honour of a loved one who has passed away. This is a wonderful way to help us with our work and we are always very grateful and humbled to receive support in this way.

Some people want to set up a more permanent tribute to a family member or friend they have lost and share it with other friends and family while at the same time continuing to support our work in that persons name.

At a funeral, donations instead of flowers are normally taken and handled by the funeral director
and we can extend this online by setting up a donations page where people who are unable to
attend the funeral can donate with a debit or credit card. These days many funeral directors prefer
to use an online donations page rather than handle and pass on cash and cheques to a charity.

Please contact us by email if you would like to set up a page where friends and family can honour a loved one by making donations to our cause.


A more permanent way of setting up a tribute is to use an online platform where you can set up a page about your relative or friend and customise it by adding stories, photo's, music and video then share the page with people you know or post it to social media and share it with your followers.

Such a website is Much Loved

The page can be set up before the funeral if you want and sent out to friends and family you wish to invite and afterwards  information about the funeral can be put on the page to allow those who could not attend to feel they have been part of it.

You can pick a charity to support and people can make donations to that charity in honour of the deceased as they may have done if they had attended the funeral themselves.
There are now a number of website that offer this service. We only became aware of these because one contacted us to let us know that someone on their platform had nominated us to be their chosen charity on their Tribute page.

Once you have your page set up you can add a theme to the page and a wallpaper in the background.

You can change the colour of the wall paper.

You can start by placing a  funeral notice

You can add a life story and use a timeline feature to illustrate their life and there is an option to create a journal.

Pictures, Music, Video, thoughts, candles and gifts can be added to illustrate the tribute

You can set up a fundraising page to a charity This can be edited to set a target or not, show or hide amounts of donations people make, change the title and information on the page and put up an avatar.

Donations, both on and offline will appear on another page but you will have to add any offline donations yourself.

You have the choice to make the tribute and journal public or private and allow the tribute to be shared on social media.
There is also an option to allow visitors to contact you or request access to the tribute.
One other offering is a place in their virtual remembrance garden which you can choose to accept or not.

You can allow visitors to contribute or not and review the contributions before they are added and set up a personalised message asking people to contribute.

You can send out invitations to people you want to visit and appoint some of them to become guardians and make changes, other to be 'trusted' to upload without you needing to review and other to be guests.

All of this is free up to 100mb of storage space. If you want more you can purchase an extra permanent 50mb space for a one off 99p payment and add more of these spaces as and when you want or need.

You can a you want to leave Border Collie Rescue some sort of legacy you can do so in three ways.

You can gift a specified sum of money.
This is a pecuniary gift.
You can gift all or part of what is left of your estate once you have left what you want to your family and friends.
This is a residual gift.
You can gift items that the charity can use or sell to raise funds - for example a car, jewelry, artwork, land or property. This is a specified gift.

Sometimes we have been left a specified amount or item in a will and sometimes, once family and friends have been left specific sums, many people have chosen to leave us what is left of their estate - the residue.

On some occasions we have shared the residue of an estate with other charities, usually in equal amounts although there is no reason why someone could not leave 50% of the residue to one charity and 25% each to two others or any combination they wish.

A Legacy left to us is free of inheritance tax because we are a registered charity but is not eligible for Gift Aid.

If you have not made a will and wish to include a gift to Border Collie Rescue please ensure you have looked after your friends and family first.

If you have already made a will and have now decided to change it in order to include Border Collie Rescue as a beneficiary you may not need to write a new will.
It may be possible to add a codicil to your existing will in order to make the change.
In any instance you should take the advice of a qualified professional such as a Solicitor.

You need to be aware that if you enter into marriage or a civil partnership after making a will, the will will become invalid unless it referred to and considered such a change when it was written. In most cases a new will would be required.

The basic information you will need to provide to whoever draws up your will, or any codicil, is the means of precisely identifying Border Collie Rescue as a beneficiary. It should include our registered name and charity number -

Border Collie Rescue. Registered Charity 1128983. Barmark Farm, Corsock, Castle Douglas. DG7 3DS.

If we change our registered office address your executor will be able to get our new contact address and other details from the Charity Commission using our name and charity number.

If you are interested in adopting a Border Collie from us,
please do not write to us or email us - we want to speak to you before we start the process.
Please phone us during office hours. Details here.

Calls to our office and mobile will only be answered during our office hours