If you like the way we do things, please help us keep doing them! All our funds are dedicated to assisting Border Collies in need
Border Collie Rescue has two working funds - both accounts with HSBC
Central Fund
Central Fund is essential for all the work of Border Collie Rescue.
It is used to pay any bill. It underwrites the running of of the
whole organisation and enables us to operate our office, pay phone
bills, cover the expenses of home visits and transport and top up the Welfare Fund if it gets low. It covers any and all aspects of our work.
However if you want a donation to only be spent directly on the dogs
you need our -
Welfare Fund
The Welfare Fund is a dedicated restricted fund
that is set up for a specific purpose. It pays all bills directly relating to the welfare of dogs in our care,
for example vet's bills, food bills,
treats, training aids and accessories and any accommodation costs should they be necessary.
Unlike the Central Fund, which can be used to pay any bills, the
money in the Welfare Fund can only be used for the purposes above
There are many ways you could help and we need your help to keep going.
Bank - HSBC - 1, Prospect Close,
Sort code - 40 38 19
For our central fund -
Account number - 91589504 - Border
Collie Rescue (Central Fund)
For our Welfare
Account number - 71589490 -
Border Collie Rescue (Welfare Fund)
The (bracketed) parts of our account names are what appears on our cheque books but with direct transfers the system only accepts Border Collie Rescue on both accounts.
If you don't use online
banking or telephone banking you can authorise a
single payment from your bank to ours using one of our Standing Order forms.
Fill out the form
in the usual manner but cross out everything on the line after
'thereafter' and put One in the total number of payments.
You have a choice as to which fund you make
your donation to.
Click on your preference below to
download a form for the account of your choice.
This will download a Standing Order Form for the fund you have chosen.
The forms are available as Microsoft Word files.
Central Fund -
Microsoft Word
Welfare Fund-
Microsoft Word
If you are a UK taxpayer there is a link to
download a gift aid declaration form at the bottom of this page.
You can make a 'One Off' donation online with a
credit or debit card using the 'Please Donate' button on the right.
The online donation facility is provided by The Charities Aid
Foundation, themselves a registered charity who
provide a number of services for charities. They charge a small
commission to process card payments.
By default all donations made online are paid into our Central
Fund but you can tell us in an
email or letter to put your
donation into our Welfare Fund or specify it to be used only in Scotland.
To enable these options, please tell us
the date and amount of your donation and put either
'welfare' or
'Scotland' in the reference section when you fill it out online.
Again, we can reclaim any tax you have paid on the donation
through Gift Aid.
There is a link to download a Gift Aid declaration form at
the bottom of the page.
Send us the gift aid form
with the amount you have donated filled in and if you think
may donate again in the future or have donated in the past,
please tick the appropriate box on the form as well.
You can also set up a
fundraising page on the same CAF platform and raise funds for us by any
(legal !) means.
This could be a sponsored walk or run or any
form of sponsorship your imagination can create.
If you wish to set up some sort of sponsored
event, please first visit our sponsorship page by
clicking on the
'Sponsorship' button in the menu on the left.
You can make a 'One Off' donation by sending us a cheque, postal or money order to :-
The Treasurer, Border Collie Rescue, Barmark Farm, Corsock, Castle Douglas. DG7 3DS
If to our Central Fund, made out to Border Collie Rescue.
If to our Welfare Fund, made out to Border Collie Rescue Welfare Fund
You can specify if you want your donation to only be spent on our work in Scotland by putting a note to that effect in with your cheque.
If you are a UK tax payer we can reclaim any tax you have paid
to HMRC for every pound you donate through Gift Aid.
There is a link to download a Gift Aid declaration form at
the bottom of the page.
Send us the gift aid form
along with your donation.
We are grateful for anything you are able to donate.
A Gift Aid declaration form can be downloaded here -
Microsoft Word
Microsoft Word
We are appealing for funds to purchase and convert a suitable property to use as an assessment and rehabilitation centre.
Some funding is promised but it depends on us raising a further £300,000.00 before it is made available.
We are launching a long term project to raise these funds and are appealing for specific donations towards this purpose.
You can donate to the project by any means shown in these fundraising pages. Remember to let us know what the donation is for.
When we have raised the required sum the project will remain open and we will continue to raise funds towards opening another.
For more details of what we have in mind based on what we have already done with a property we rented for this purpose, please click on the "Centre
Project" button in the left hand menu.