Them as can do has to do for them as
can't and someone has to speak for them that has no voices"
Sir Terry Pratchett - 1948 - 2015. RIP A brilliant mind and
inspiration. Greatly missed.
Wise words of Granny Aching from
The Wee Free Men by
Terry Pratchett. Published by Doubleday.
Used by permission of
The Random House Group
Wherever you have come from in the world.
Our office is normally open on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays betweem 2pm and 5pm on our new number 01644 440654.
Buying a
pup or a dog - a warning.
This website is provided as part of the
service this charity offers to the public, and its growing content
includes advice on the breed and its problems from many
accredited experts and members of the society, plus news,
views and much more
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Registered throughout the UK as Border Collie Rescue
Charity No 1128983 (UK) - Charity No SC040796 (Scotland)
Registered Office - Barmark Farm, Corsock, Castle Douglas, Dumfries and Galloway. DG7 3DS.
Non profit Charitable Company No 3037504. Registered Office - Heritage House, Murton Way, Osbaldwick, York, North Yorkshire. YO19 5UW.