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Border Collie Rescue - On Line - Making a Regular donation

How to make a regular donation

Regular standing order donations are the life blood of any charity. If there are enough they cover basic running costs.

In our case, that means all our dogs are fed and vets bills are covered which allows other forms of donation such as sponsorship, legacies and incidental one off donations to enable us to cover other costs, do more and grow.

It does not matter how much it is.
A monthly donation of £5 or more enables us to plan and look ahead and with enough regular small donations if someone decides that they can't afford to contribute any more we continue to have the benefit of the others so although we need to tighten our belt a little or dig into reserves, it won't break us and we can keep going.

Help our work by making a regular monthly donation. Any amount will help.
It all goes to benefit Border Collies in Need.

Border Collie Rescue has two working funds - both accounts with HSBC

Central Fund

The Central Fund is essential for all the work of Border Collie Rescue. It is used to pay any bill. It underwrites the running of of the whole organisation and enables us to operate our office, pay phone bills, cover the expenses of home visits and transport and top up the Welfare Fund if it gets low. It covers any and all aspects of our work. However if you want a donation to only be spent directly on the dogs you need our -

Welfare Fund

The Welfare Fund is a dedicated restricted fund that is set up for a specific purpose. It pays all bills directly relating to the welfare of dogs in our care, for example vet's bills, food bills, treats, training aids and accessories and any accommodation costs should they be necessary.
Unlike the Central Fund, which can be used to pay any bills, the money in the Welfare Fund can only be used for the purposes above. Money from the Central Fund can be transferred to the Welfare Fund but not the other way round.

If you would like to assist us in our work by making a regular donation, you have a choice.

Click on the fund of your preference below and a page will open in a new window with a Standing Order Form for the fund you have chosen.
The forms are available as Microsoft Word files

Central Fund -

 Microsoft Word

Welfare Fund

 Microsoft Word

You print it out, fill it in and submit it to your bank. You decide how much and for how long you want to help.

If you are a UK taxpayer you can increase the value of your donation with Gift Aid.
HMRC will pay us the tax you paid on every pound you give

To download a Gift Aid form select -       Microsoft Word

When you have filled out the gift aid form please send it back to us at our office address -

The Treasurer, Border Collie Rescue, Barmark Farm, Corsock, Castle Douglas. DG7 3DS

If you do not want to Gift Aid your donation, please let us know you have set up a standing order anyway.
We wont send you marketing mail or 'offers' or pester you or contact if you stop the Standing Order - we don't do that

We would only contact you if something changes at our end of which you need to be notified.
You can tell us by post or by e.mail.


Border Collie Rescue
Keeping an "Eye" on the breed
If you are interested in adopting a Border Collie from us,
please do not write to us or email us - we want to speak to you before we start the process.
Please phone us during office hours. Details here.

Calls to our office and mobile will only be answered during our office hours