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Border Collie Rescue - On Line - Promotion and Outreach

Working with us - Reaching out to the public

Keeping an eye on the breed



Border Collie Rescue is set up to work for a better future for Border Collies and Working Sheepdogs and is involved in the Rescue, Health care, Re-habilitation, Re-homing and Sanctuary of unwanted members of the breed.

We also work to raise awareness about the needs and requirements of the breed and are active in supporting and promoting legislation for the benefit and welfare of these dogs.
This is where outreach comes in.

So far we have only participated in outreach activities from head office, carried out by a few selected individuals.
We would like to develop and expand these activities to reach a broader audience.

Education is a key to reducing the problems Border Collies face. If the next generation has a greater understanding of animal welfare and more specific knowledge of what makes a Border Collie the breed it is there will certainly be less of a need to rescue individuals from situations caused by people being misinformed.
School visits are one way to do this. A mix of video, slides and demonstrations based around a central theme in different forms that appeal to different age groups.

Another educational outreach activity would be more general, involving hiring a small hall and holding a film show which would include some presentations on animal welfare subjects, the laws relating to dog ownership and where possible demonstrations.
Entry to these would be free and the audience invited to donate on leaving. Some items could be available for sale.

In both of the above, having sensible, well mannered dogs on hand would be invaluable. Mainly to meet and greet but also to be involved in some of the demo's and interact with the audience.

Visiting care homes can give a lot of pleasure to the people there. Good natured, well behaved, well trained and controllable dogs to meet and greet and in some cases a video presentation.

For more specialised presentations at shows and events, obedience demonstrations, sheepdog demonstrations, search demonstrations, all designed to inform people about the breed, it's intelligence and versatility.

Presentations to staff groups at business premises and of course talks with slides and video at group events and gatherings - for example Women's Institute evenings.

On a smaller scale a Border Collie Rescue party in a private home. (not getting a bunch of dogs together for a biscuit feast - although that may be fun) The host invites some friends over and the Border Collie Rescue representative talks about the breed and plays some videos.

All these activities can help inform and educate and promote the charity at the same time.

We are here to seek justice for these dogs.

Animal welfare law is a bit of a mess. There are a number of pieces of legislation covering a number of aspects of animal care or control but they are not joined up very well and could do with improvement.

Many animal welfare organisations lobby for changes to laws, seek out sympathetic MP's and get them involved, take the fight to those who could influence change.

Animal welfare is never the on top of government agenda's, mainly because people come first. Fair enough, but animal welfare laws help people. People suffer if the law is not well thought out and implemented. Look at puppy farming laws.
Enforcement is often the problem.
Resources are also often the problem so changes are slow and often reluctantly considered.

Many welfare laws are rushed through to save parliamentary time. Consultation periods not well advertised and not well responded to by welfare groups. There are opportunities to have a voice but these are often missed.

Commercial stakeholders are quick to move if a potential law threatens the income they derive from exploiting a situation or a move is made to close a loophole they profit from. Often the balance is skewed with welfare issues overridden by economic arguements.

So here, outreach goes a little further.
Animal rescuers often say it would be nice if we could change things to such a degree that our rescue services would no longer be needed - it would be more than nice - miraculous would be better description.
But we are all volunteers so we wouldn't be out of a job - lets try and make miracles.

Interested in any outreach activities. Got an idea of your own? Get in touch.

Border Collie Rescue - Membership - Barmark Farm, Corsock, Castle Douglas. DG7 3DS.
Or Telephone (07707 485813 ).
See HQ Information section for our normal office hours and email address.

Only the dedicated need apply.

If you are interested in adopting a Border Collie from us,
please do not write to us or email us - we want to speak to you before we start the process.
Please phone us during office hours. Details here.

Calls to our office and mobile will only be answered during our office hours

All content copyright © Border Collie Rescue 3037504. Charity No 1128983 Charity No SC040796 (Scotland). All Rights Reserved.

The border collie rescue society is a specialist canine welfare charity based in the uk to help the border collie dog breed and the working sheepdog.

Border Collie Rescue On Line is the official worldwide website of this UK based breed rescue organisation.