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Border Collie Rescue - On Line - Health and Safety

General Health and Safety Policy – Border Collie Rescue


It is a requirement that all members and volunteers familiarise themselves with the content of this document for the safety of themselves, other members and volunteers and members of the public in the fulfillment of their tasks and duties.

Our statement of general policy is –

1         to provide adequate control of the Health and Safety risks arising from our work activities.

2         to provide and maintain safe plant and equipment.

3         to ensure safe handling and use of substances.

4         to provide information, instruction and supervision to volunteers.

5         to ensure all volunteers are competent to do their allotted tasks and provide adequate training.

6         to prevent accidents and incidents of work related ill health.

7         to maintain safe and healthy working conditions.

8         to review and revise this policy as necessary at regular intervals.

Dated as effective from:

1st March 2006


If there are any enquiries or questions relating to Heath and Safety matters the appointed BCR representative who is responsible for the overall supervision of Health and Safety and the implementation of this policy is –

Mike Cooke

Day to day responsibility for ensuring Health and Safety practices are maintained in the following areas are –

Domestic, Administration, Premises, PropertyMike Cooke

Dogs, Care, Handling, Accommodation – Nicki Oliver


All members and volunteers are required to –

1         Co-operate with supervisors and managers on health and safety matters.

2         Not interfere with anything to safeguard their health and safety.

3         Take reasonable care of their own health and safety.

4         Report all health and safety concerns to an appropriate person (as detailed on this statement).




Border Collie Rescue members who have filled in an 'Active Membership Agreement" (AMA) are covered by our various insurance policies.


This includes -

  • Fully comprehensive insurance to drive vehicles owned by the charity providing the driver is over 25 years of age and meets other criteria required by our insurers.

  • Public liability insurance which covers them against claims by members of the public for liabilities incurred while going about their authorised duties for Border Collie Rescue.

  • Employees liability insurance which covers members personal safety while going about their authorised duties for Border Collie Rescue.

  • Other insurance categories covering stock in hand, cash in hand, theft from vehicles and similar matters up to certain limits.


Cover under these policies only applies while a person is a member of Border Collie Rescue and has filled in an AMA.

  • Volunteers who help, but are not signed up active members are only covered by our Public Liability insurance while going about their duties for the charity under the supervision of a signed up member and for the purposes of personal loss or injury are only covered as a member of the public under our public liability insurance.

  • Members, who's membership has been suspended will only be covered by our public liability insurance until their membership is re-instated and cannot perform any duties for Border Collie Rescue while under suspension.

  • Members who resign, or who's membership has been revoked, will cease to be covered by our insurance at the date of their resignation or the date of the offence that is the reason for their loss of membership status and will be liable and responsible for their subsequent actions.

  • Members who commit unauthorised acts, without due authority from the charity are liable and responsible for their own actions and are personally liable and responsible for any consequences or loss resulting from those actions. Our insurers will not cover them for unauthorised acts and Border Collie Rescue will accept no responsibility whatsoever for any consequences of unauthorised acts.

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Copyright - Border Collie Rescue - 3037504

Border Collie Rescue is a UK based charity, working Internationally to Rescue and Re-home Border Collies and Working Sheepdogs and promote a better understanding of the breed and its Welfare.

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