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Border Collie Rescue - On Line - Members and Volunteers

I Quote - "Ever consider what dogs think of us?
I mean, here we come back from a grocery store with an amazing haul - chicken, pork, half a cow!
They must think we're the greatest hunters on earth!" - Anne Tyler

Members and Volunteers Area

Introduction to the values and principals behind Border Collie Rescue

Border Collie Rescue has been set up to operate under certain principles and with certain values in mind.
We are a registered charity in England, Wales and Scotland but in some aspects we function as a charitable organisation in stricter terms than charitable registration currently requires
The charitable nature of an organisation is defined by its objects.
The objects, the content and wording of documents plus profit distribution rules are the key factors.
These days, registration as a charity does not necessarily make that charity better than an unregistered one.
Legal loopholes allow individuals to set up registered charities to provide themselves with jobs and income.

We are a little 'old fashioned' and take the view that a charity that allows trustees to be paid is fundamentally unsound, even if the process is legal under certain conditions. We take the view that a board of trustees who direct a charity which allows payment to members of that board has a conflict of interests when it comes down to the dispersion of the charities funds.

We also take the view that a trustee who allows themselves to be paid for the work they do is adding to the burden of the charity and absorbing income that should be dedicated to the beneficiaries of the charity's objects.

Our documents and bye laws forbid any payment to any trustees, directors or volunteers for the work they do for the organisation and also stipulates that we can only work with, or to the benefit of, other organisations that have profit distribution rules that are at least as strict as our own and preferably with similar or compatible objects.

This effectively means that we are unable to co-operate with, uphold or recommend quite a few groups, organisations or charities that appear on the surface, to be similar to ourselves because they either lack any form of legal governing document (they are not legally a charity or non-profit organisation) or because, if they are, the document they work under has objects that conflict with ours or clauses that are not as restrictive on profit distribution as our own.

Another reason why we may not work or co-operate with another organisation is because of their working methods and policies. If they do not home visit and assess an applicant before placing an animal with them or if they do not take in and assess an animal before they re-home it, they are working in the dark and not doing their best for their charges or clients.

This makes it very difficult for us to recognise that anyone working in this way is actually helping the situation, so we normally prefer not to deal with them or recommend their services.

Border Collie Rescue is a non-profit distributing charitable company, limited by guarantee, No 3037504 - registered in England and also registered as Charity 1128983 throughout the UK and Charity SC040796 throughout Scotland.
We work under a governing document called a Memorandum and Articles.

The objects of BCR are defined in its Memorandum.
The Memorandum also sets out and defines how the funds of the organisation are dedicated and can be spent and restricts the organisations volunteers and trustees from benefiting from their association with the charity.
The second part of the governing document ( the Articles ) sets out basic procedures for running the organisation and is subject to the Memorandum and Objects.

We are also a voluntary organisation, which means we contribute our time and efforts free of charge.
No-one in BCR is paid.

After nearly 20 years operating with no formal status, the organisation was formally incorporated as a non-profit distributing charitable company in 1995 and it was decided that we only wanted people involved who were prepared to work for the benefit of the dogs, without the motivation of a wage packet at the end of each week.

Our documents allow volunteers to be re-funded for authorised, legitimate out of pocket expenses they may incur as part of their work for the charity. It allows volunteers to have food provided by the charity, or the cost of food refunded to them, if they work through mealtimes, to a limit defined as the cost of a takeaway meal of fish and chips and mushy peas and a hot or cold drink as charged in the area they take their meal break. It does not have to be fish and chips, just to the value of.

Our documents do not prohibit us from paying non-members, contractors or employees for any work they do for the organisation, however we take the view that any funds spent in this way will no longer be available to spend on the beneficiaries of our objects, the dogs that need our help, and therefore we prefer the voluntary sector option.

We have rules, bye-laws, that govern our actions and authority as volunteers.
They define the system we operate under and how we work within the charity, handle and care for the dogs and look after the assets of the charity. Some are common sense, others defined by legal requirements.
All ensure we have a common ground and understanding and that people can expect the same standards from all of us, professionally, ethically and morally, no matter what we do within the charity or what part of the world we live in.

Volunteers who breach our bye-laws may be subject to suspension, dismissal or civil or criminal proceedings.
In some instances the fact that a volunteer breaches one of the charities bye-laws, or certain laws of the country in which they live and work, will result in immediate suspension or dismissal from the point the action occurred.

This needs to be clearly understood by all volunteers and prospective members of this organisation and if any of us feel that we cannot work within these values we should not be involved. It should also be clear that the only motivation for becoming or remaining involved with BCR should be to help Border Collies and Working Sheepdogs and not to benefit or promote the business interests of a volunteer or helper or for personal gain in any respect.

Our objects dedicate the organisation to work for the care and welfare of Border Collies and Working Sheepdogs.
By the definition of our objects, this is therefore our first principle -
We are a canine rescue organisation specifically formed to deal with the problems relating to Border Collies ( as a breed ) and working sheepdogs ( as an occupation ).
We therefore work across the board with both pets and working dogs and will occasionally take in individuals of other herding breeds if they are trained and working sheep.
With Border Collie Rescue - THE DOGS MUST COME FIRST. Dogs are our main beneficiaries and must benefit by being in rescue care. The systems we operate and the methods we use are designed to seek the best for the dogs in our care and allow them to show us what they need, rather than have us dictate to them what they must become.
Any inconvenience we have to put up with in order to carry out our objects is of secondary importance.

You will see this principle come out through many of the procedures outlined in these documents.
In seeking homes we look for the best home for the dog from the applicants we have. If in doubt the dog stays in care.

Re-homing the dogs we rescue is part of our job but not the end of it. We are - DEDICATED TO THE FUTURE OF THE BREED. Although rescue & care are priorities and education & information are part of our work - the whole is much greater.

We want to do more than simply clear up the mess and mistakes that cause problems for the breed.
We want to prevent the mess and the mistakes from occurring in the fist place.
If you unhappy with the above, then we are not for you and you are not for us, but if all that makes clear and common sense to you, then do read on and see if you can work within our operational parameters and procedures.

Although we are all volunteers, that does not mean we are not professional in our approach to our industry, so we do follow tried and tested procedures.
If you would like to work with us and help the dogs you also need to follow these procedures..
Click on the links in the menu on the left to go to the different sections covering what we do and how we do it.