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Border Collie Rescue - On Line - Universal Commands - Quiet

Universal Commands - Quiet

The "Quiet" command.

In Border Collie Rescue all verbal commands used are accompanied by hand signals which serve to emphasise and compliment the instruction.
This is of great benefit when training deaf dogs, dogs with learning difficulties and dogs with short attentions spans.

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Waggle extended index finger, held vertically, from side to side in front of the dogs face if unnecessary barking is going on or to stop hyperactive behaviour.

The hand signal used here, like 'No', can be interpreted as a challenge by dominant dogs, so it is best not to be too close if the dog has these tendencies.

Pointing a finger at a dog may induce an aggressive reaction.
Using the gesture with the elbow bent reduces the challenge. If the arm is outstretched it implies a greater threat.

Eye contact also re-enforces the command, but adds to the challenge as a stare is regarded by a dog to be a threatening gesture in canine body language. Keep your distance until you are sure of the dogs and the dog is sure of you and  trusts you!
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 If you are interested in adopting a Border Collie from us, please phone 0845 604 4941 during office hours.
(2 pm to 5 pm Tuesdays to Thursdays)
Please do not write to us or email us about adoption - we want to speak to you before we start the process.