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Border Collie Rescue - On Line - YDNP

Yorkshire Dales National Park

A prime tourist destination

The Yorkshire Dales National Park is unique - this beautiful place offers a delightful range of things to do and places to visit amongst the stunning Dales limestone scenery.

The Park is home to a rich collection of landscapes, from heather-topped moors to colourful hay-meadows.
There are limestone crags and underground labyrinths of potholes and caves. Traditional stone-built villages are set amongst rolling farmland embroidered with stone barns and drystone walls. There's something to inspire every mood, whether your preference is for the wild and windswept or the quietly tranquil.


Bolton Priory, Wharfedale- Photo courtesy of


Ballooning over Wensleydale


Postcard - Road to Hardraw, Upper Wensleydale - circa 1950

Dog and Duck

Dog and Duck demonstration at Horton In Ribblesdale


Sheep on Fells inArkengathdale with Mount Calva in background

CB Inn

The CB Inn, Arkengarthdale - before re-furbishment.


Limestone outcrops on the high moors

Lead mining spoils

Lead mining spoils on the road to Tan Hill

Part of the National Park Authority's role is to help people learn about, understand and enjoy the Yorkshire Dales.
The Education Service publishes maps, photographs, Education Files and information about the Yorkshire Dales National Park to help students and teachers with their work.
The Education Service also has a number of resources available for teachers and group leaders, including: videos, presentation sets, photographs, educational activity pack and information pamphlets.

Contact the National Park

Telephone the Bainbridge office on01969 650 456
Telephone the Grassington office on 01756 752 748

Link to Yorkshire Dales National Park Website

If you are interested in adopting a Border Collie from us,
please do not write to us or email us - we want to speak to you before we start the process.
Please phone us during office hours. Details here.

Calls to our office and mobile will only be answered during our office hours