Border Collie Rescue - On Line - Slideshow of some of our dogs
An automated slideshow of rescued dogs
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1 / 21
The joy of a good roll!
2 / 21
Three good freinds
3 / 21
Keeping an 'Eye' on the breed
4 / 21
End of a tiring day
5 / 21
Fresh air in the Highlands
6 / 21
Doing what she loves most
7 / 21
8 / 21
Pretty maids all in a row
9 / 21
The fast and the furious
10 / 21
Now that I've got your attention
11 / 21
Beauties of the land
12 / 21
Herding the herders
13 / 21
Good looking and proud of it!
14 / 21
Follow the leader
15 / 21
Bright and beautiful
16 / 21
Run with the wind
17 / 21
Game of tag
18 / 21
In the begining
19 / 21
Perfect poise and elegance
20 / 21
What's this all about?
21 / 21
Who, Me?